Standing Committees
Neighborhood Preservation Committees

Architecture Committee
Chair: Holland Ward
The committee’s mission is to help maintain the architectural integrity of our National Historical Landmark district. The committee reviews properties that have submitted applications to the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission (BHAC). The BHAC holds monthly hearings on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness and reviews architectural violations in accordance with Ch. 616 of the Acts of 1955, as amended (the Massachusetts State Legislation that created the Historic Beacon Hill District in 1955). Ahead of each BHAC meeting, our committee reviews the applications going before the BHAC and provides neighborhood input to the Commission.
Parks and Public Spaces Committee
Chair: Colin Zick
The Parks and Public Spaces Committee focuses on the open, green spaces around Beacon Hill, which are so important to our community’s quality of life. Some of these spaces are big, like the Common, the Public Garden and the Esplanade, and others are quite small, like the Phillips Street Play Area and the Myrtle Street Playground. Over the past year, the Committee has worked to increase attention and care to these spaces and there have been many positive developments. The Committee works closely with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Friends of the Public Garden.
Planning and Oversight Committee
Co-Chairs: Hilary Bacon Gabrieli and Patrick Lee
This is an umbrella committee that was established to monitor and oversee the BHCA’s involvement on the various committees and groups in the City of Boston, to ensure that the BHCA has a voice in the planning on all projects or proposals that may impact Beacon Hill, as well as to improve the BHCA’s relations with governmental officials to strengthen the organization’s voice in governmental and community planning on all projects or proposals affecting our neighborhood.
Zoning and Licensing Committee
Co-Chairs: Tom Clemens & Katherine Judge
This committee’s mission is to assist property owners who are making changes to their properties that require variances from the City’s Zoning Code. By hosting property representatives to describe their projects and rationales for requesting variances, the committee provides community input and insight. Each of the committee’s votes is presented to the BHCA board for vote; the board’s vote is incorporated into a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeal. The committee reviews requests by local restaurants and merchants for liquor licenses in a similar manner to the review of zoning variances.
View the Zoning and Licensing Committee Archives Here.
Chair: Holland Ward
The committee’s mission is to help maintain the architectural integrity of our National Historical Landmark district. The committee reviews properties that have submitted applications to the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission (BHAC). The BHAC holds monthly hearings on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness and reviews architectural violations in accordance with Ch. 616 of the Acts of 1955, as amended (the Massachusetts State Legislation that created the Historic Beacon Hill District in 1955). Ahead of each BHAC meeting, our committee reviews the applications going before the BHAC and provides neighborhood input to the Commission.
Parks and Public Spaces Committee
Chair: Colin Zick
The Parks and Public Spaces Committee focuses on the open, green spaces around Beacon Hill, which are so important to our community’s quality of life. Some of these spaces are big, like the Common, the Public Garden and the Esplanade, and others are quite small, like the Phillips Street Play Area and the Myrtle Street Playground. Over the past year, the Committee has worked to increase attention and care to these spaces and there have been many positive developments. The Committee works closely with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Friends of the Public Garden.
Planning and Oversight Committee
Co-Chairs: Hilary Bacon Gabrieli and Patrick Lee
This is an umbrella committee that was established to monitor and oversee the BHCA’s involvement on the various committees and groups in the City of Boston, to ensure that the BHCA has a voice in the planning on all projects or proposals that may impact Beacon Hill, as well as to improve the BHCA’s relations with governmental officials to strengthen the organization’s voice in governmental and community planning on all projects or proposals affecting our neighborhood.
Zoning and Licensing Committee
Co-Chairs: Tom Clemens & Katherine Judge
This committee’s mission is to assist property owners who are making changes to their properties that require variances from the City’s Zoning Code. By hosting property representatives to describe their projects and rationales for requesting variances, the committee provides community input and insight. Each of the committee’s votes is presented to the BHCA board for vote; the board’s vote is incorporated into a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeal. The committee reviews requests by local restaurants and merchants for liquor licenses in a similar manner to the review of zoning variances.
View the Zoning and Licensing Committee Archives Here.
Neighborhood Services Committees
Streets & Sidewalks Committee
Chair: Rajan Nanda
This committee’s mission is to recognize and address issues of maintenance and cleanliness on the sidewalks and streets of Beacon Hill and to work with appropriate City agencies to rectify these problems. The Green Committee initiative supports and encourages sustainable living for Beacon Hill residents and businesses, with a primary focus on recycling, green living and transportation. The Committee’s work is part advocacy and part education.
Chair: Rajan Nanda
This committee’s mission is to recognize and address issues of maintenance and cleanliness on the sidewalks and streets of Beacon Hill and to work with appropriate City agencies to rectify these problems. The Green Committee initiative supports and encourages sustainable living for Beacon Hill residents and businesses, with a primary focus on recycling, green living and transportation. The Committee’s work is part advocacy and part education.
Safety Committee
Chair: Tim Cook
Working with the Boston Police Department and Beacon Hill residents and merchants, this Committee strives to maintain the environment of safety and security on Beacon Hill. Committee members attend the monthly neighborhood safety meetings with the Police Department and develop a communication strategy to educate neighbors on best safety practices.
Traffic & Parking Committee
Chair: Ben Starr
The Traffic & Parking Committee has three primary functions:
Tree Committee
Chair: Suzie Tapson
The Tree Committee works to preserve the trees on the streets of Beacon Hill by helping to identify trees that need to be pruned or replaced by the City. It coordinates with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department on related activities like tree removal due to sickness/potential safety hazard, comprehensive pruning needs, and the maintenance of the tree guards and plantings along Charles Street.
Chair: Tim Cook
Working with the Boston Police Department and Beacon Hill residents and merchants, this Committee strives to maintain the environment of safety and security on Beacon Hill. Committee members attend the monthly neighborhood safety meetings with the Police Department and develop a communication strategy to educate neighbors on best safety practices.
Traffic & Parking Committee
Chair: Ben Starr
The Traffic & Parking Committee has three primary functions:
- Monitoring events and developments that can impact traffic and/or parking on Beacon Hill
- Serving as a forum for discussion and making recommendations to the City of Boston, other governmental authorities, or the BHCA Board about the community’s position on government actions that might impact traffic and/or parking on Beacon Hill
- Assisting residents to bring about changes that will improve resident parking and traffic conditions on Beacon Hill
Tree Committee
Chair: Suzie Tapson
The Tree Committee works to preserve the trees on the streets of Beacon Hill by helping to identify trees that need to be pruned or replaced by the City. It coordinates with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department on related activities like tree removal due to sickness/potential safety hazard, comprehensive pruning needs, and the maintenance of the tree guards and plantings along Charles Street.
Fundraising & Outreach Committees
Development Committee
Chair: Beth Campanella
The Development Committee seeks to identify and engage potential new members, as well as steward existing members, in the residential, business, and non-profit segments of our neighborhood. Membership dues are an important source for our day-to-day activities. We actively seek to expand our membership base, through annual events and special receptions. Additionally, we produce an annual Neighborhood Guide to provide residents with an information resource and to encourage residents to support the local businesses that advertise in the Guide. Finally, we manage the Merchant Loyalty Program as a way to further encourage members and merchants to support each other.
Events Committee
Co-Chairs: Melanie Bertani & Michelle Lavers
The Committee plans and executes events for the neighborhood such as the annual Neighborhood Block Party, Holiday Decorating Days, Evening on the Esplanade, lectures and more. Our goal is to help attract and retain members as well as instill a sense of community. While many of our events are organized by the BHCA alone, we are happy to partner with other non-profits and community organizations to expand the range of activities and events offered to our members.
Annual Appeal Committee
The Annual Appeal is the BHCA’s primary fundraiser, providing approximately 50% of the organization’s annual revenue (with membership and fundraisers contributing the remainder). The Annual Appeal is led by the BHCA’s Board of Directors. Committee members make personal contact with key donors to encourage on-going support.
Beacon Hill Gala Committee
Annually, the BHCA hosts a gala to bring members together for a fun and festive evening. Proceeds from the event help support our annual operations. A Gala Committee is formed every year for this purpose.
Public Relations Committee
This committee’s mission is to help position the BHCA’s messages for the most valuable impact. The committee helps with preparing messages for members and external constituents such as the press. Working with the Membership Committee, the Public Relations Committee helps to enhance the understanding of the BHCA’s role in the neighborhood and the reason for joining the BHCA. Working with the Events Committee, the Public Relations Committee helps to build the audience for BHCA sponsored events.
Chair: Beth Campanella
The Development Committee seeks to identify and engage potential new members, as well as steward existing members, in the residential, business, and non-profit segments of our neighborhood. Membership dues are an important source for our day-to-day activities. We actively seek to expand our membership base, through annual events and special receptions. Additionally, we produce an annual Neighborhood Guide to provide residents with an information resource and to encourage residents to support the local businesses that advertise in the Guide. Finally, we manage the Merchant Loyalty Program as a way to further encourage members and merchants to support each other.
Events Committee
Co-Chairs: Melanie Bertani & Michelle Lavers
The Committee plans and executes events for the neighborhood such as the annual Neighborhood Block Party, Holiday Decorating Days, Evening on the Esplanade, lectures and more. Our goal is to help attract and retain members as well as instill a sense of community. While many of our events are organized by the BHCA alone, we are happy to partner with other non-profits and community organizations to expand the range of activities and events offered to our members.
Annual Appeal Committee
The Annual Appeal is the BHCA’s primary fundraiser, providing approximately 50% of the organization’s annual revenue (with membership and fundraisers contributing the remainder). The Annual Appeal is led by the BHCA’s Board of Directors. Committee members make personal contact with key donors to encourage on-going support.
Beacon Hill Gala Committee
Annually, the BHCA hosts a gala to bring members together for a fun and festive evening. Proceeds from the event help support our annual operations. A Gala Committee is formed every year for this purpose.
Public Relations Committee
This committee’s mission is to help position the BHCA’s messages for the most valuable impact. The committee helps with preparing messages for members and external constituents such as the press. Working with the Membership Committee, the Public Relations Committee helps to enhance the understanding of the BHCA’s role in the neighborhood and the reason for joining the BHCA. Working with the Events Committee, the Public Relations Committee helps to build the audience for BHCA sponsored events.
Joint Committees |
Joint Charles Street Committee
Co-Chairs: Diana Coldren (BHCA) & Ali Ringenburg (BHBA)
The Joint Charles Street Committee is a collaboration between the Beacon Hill Civic Association and the Beacon Hill Business Association. The committee is focused on issues such as landscape and streetscape, safety, traffic, parking, and zoning issues as they relate to our local businesses.
Codman Island Committee
Chair: Leslie Adam
Codman Island was created in 1987 by an agreement between the BHCA and the City to beautify and enhance the area. The responsibility for its maintenance belongs to the BHCA but the stewardship of Codman Island is shared between the BHCA, the Beacon Hill Garden Club and the Friends of the Public Garden.
Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors
Patricia Tully - Executive Director
Under the auspices of the BHCA, the Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors group has been connecting regularly since November 2003. The BHCA formed the group in order to explore the common interests and unique situations of nonprofits on Beacon Hill. Representatives of more than 20 organizations participate in the group. They share knowledge and experience, and collaborate on activities to benefit their members and community. Meetings are held informally, and attendees discuss the challenges they face and share ideas on how to resolve those challenges. This year, that collaboration and support was even more important and meaningful as we all accepted a new normal and discovered ways to adapt and prosper.
Co-Chairs: Diana Coldren (BHCA) & Ali Ringenburg (BHBA)
The Joint Charles Street Committee is a collaboration between the Beacon Hill Civic Association and the Beacon Hill Business Association. The committee is focused on issues such as landscape and streetscape, safety, traffic, parking, and zoning issues as they relate to our local businesses.
Codman Island Committee
Chair: Leslie Adam
Codman Island was created in 1987 by an agreement between the BHCA and the City to beautify and enhance the area. The responsibility for its maintenance belongs to the BHCA but the stewardship of Codman Island is shared between the BHCA, the Beacon Hill Garden Club and the Friends of the Public Garden.
Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors
Patricia Tully - Executive Director
Under the auspices of the BHCA, the Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors group has been connecting regularly since November 2003. The BHCA formed the group in order to explore the common interests and unique situations of nonprofits on Beacon Hill. Representatives of more than 20 organizations participate in the group. They share knowledge and experience, and collaborate on activities to benefit their members and community. Meetings are held informally, and attendees discuss the challenges they face and share ideas on how to resolve those challenges. This year, that collaboration and support was even more important and meaningful as we all accepted a new normal and discovered ways to adapt and prosper.
Organizational Committees
Governance Committee
Co-Chairs: Russ Gaudreau & Eve Waterfall
This committee’s mission is to orient and educate Board members, review and propose changes to the by-laws, measure and evaluate the overall performance of the Board and of its individual members, and review and make recommendations regarding changes to the governance and organizational structure of the BHCA and its affiliates, acting when necessary on procedural issues such as conflicts of interest or Board conformance. The Committee also oversee a process of Board orientation and education of Board members on their responsibilities, and initiates periodic assessments of the performance and practices of the Board.
Nominating Committee
Co-Chairs: TBD
Under the BHCA By-Laws, the committee, appointed by the President and consisting on seven members, three of whom may currently be serving as members of the BHCA Board of Directors, on an annual basis shall nominate candidates for the various officers and directors of the BHCA to be voted upon by the BHCA members at the Annual Meeting.
Finance Committee
Chair: TBD
The Finance Committee provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the BHCA’s budget. Lead by the BHCA Treasurer, Their responsibility is to ensure the BHCA is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the community. The scope of work for the Finance Committee includes: ensuring that accurate and complete financial records are maintained; ensuring that accurate, timely, and meaningful financial statements are prepared and presented to the board; ensuring that the budget accurately reflects the needs, expenses, and revenue of the organization; safeguarding the organization’s assets; ensuring that the BHCA has the proper risk-management provisions in place Help the full board understand the organization’s financial affairs; ensuring that the board as a whole is well informed about the organization’s finances; and educating the board about financial matters Ensure compliance with federal, state, and other requirements related to the organization’s finances.
Co-Chairs: Russ Gaudreau & Eve Waterfall
This committee’s mission is to orient and educate Board members, review and propose changes to the by-laws, measure and evaluate the overall performance of the Board and of its individual members, and review and make recommendations regarding changes to the governance and organizational structure of the BHCA and its affiliates, acting when necessary on procedural issues such as conflicts of interest or Board conformance. The Committee also oversee a process of Board orientation and education of Board members on their responsibilities, and initiates periodic assessments of the performance and practices of the Board.
Nominating Committee
Co-Chairs: TBD
Under the BHCA By-Laws, the committee, appointed by the President and consisting on seven members, three of whom may currently be serving as members of the BHCA Board of Directors, on an annual basis shall nominate candidates for the various officers and directors of the BHCA to be voted upon by the BHCA members at the Annual Meeting.
Finance Committee
Chair: TBD
The Finance Committee provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the BHCA’s budget. Lead by the BHCA Treasurer, Their responsibility is to ensure the BHCA is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the community. The scope of work for the Finance Committee includes: ensuring that accurate and complete financial records are maintained; ensuring that accurate, timely, and meaningful financial statements are prepared and presented to the board; ensuring that the budget accurately reflects the needs, expenses, and revenue of the organization; safeguarding the organization’s assets; ensuring that the BHCA has the proper risk-management provisions in place Help the full board understand the organization’s financial affairs; ensuring that the board as a whole is well informed about the organization’s finances; and educating the board about financial matters Ensure compliance with federal, state, and other requirements related to the organization’s finances.